[vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJxXBCMEIqQ” align=”center”]
The big ‘pilot episode’ of the Angle of Attack Show. Yes, pun intended.
Alaska is full of adventure and wonder. Those who live here know that adventure can happen not too far away from home. This land is still vastly wild and untamed.
Today we have a mission — bears. While the title says Grizzly bears, they’re technically Coastal Brown Bears. Are they still huge, scary, and dangerous? Absolutely. But even bears get a bad name, as these creatures are not totally unlike us.
Just on the other side of the Cook Inlet, a short flight from Homer, Alaska where Angle of Attack is based, there is world class bear viewing. People travel to Homer in droves to take an airplane over to this wild land. It’s literally a 30 minute flight, and you’re suddenly in a world that is very different.
Chelsea and I were joined by Patrick Carter of nFlightCam. He’s an experienced aviator, having flown for Cessna, aerobatics and aerial tours in Denali National Park, just to name a few.
Patrick is the caretaker of a Cessna 185. This is a really capable airplane, but the one trouble we have is that it doesn’t have bush wheels. That means our landing surfaces are limited. Since our plan was to land on a beach, we had to be very careful.
Turns out we ended up getting stuck on the beach, and had to drag ourselves out of it.
Eventually it all worked out, and we were able to head out to see the bears.
Well, it didn’t disappoint. On the video itself can do a justice.
We hope you enjoy this episode!
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Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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