Small dirt strip + flying my unborn child — Angle of Attack Show EP 2

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Summer is coming to a close in Alaska but there is still plenty of good flying to be had. My friend Mike is visiting Alaska for the first time, and as pilots, I wanted to show him a bit from the air. He’s an airline pilot and gets perks to fly pretty much wherever, so making a trip up here wasn’t too big of a deal.
My wife also came along with us. She’s pregnant and due soon with our first child. This made getting all the safety stuff right even more apparent. While safety shouldn’t matter from one situation to the next, it just makes me think of it even more.
She brought this troll along that was annoying at first, but then it got really funny. The troll adventured everywhere with us.
We visited Seldovia where there was a bit of a challenging takeoff and landing. We did go walk around town and eventually ended up on a nice trail that ended on a beach.
Spoiler alert!!!: We got trapped by the water and had to ford across the tide water to get back to airport. Soaked and wet, we were still happy, and it made for a good adventure.
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Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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