Today’s Flight Plan
I had the opportunity of visiting Orlando where I attended WATS and Sun ‘n Fun.
WATS, World Aviation Training Symposium, is where all the big names in aviation training come together and find solutions for today’s professional training needs. It was a busy, fast paced conference with a lot of growing experiences.
Sun ‘n Fun is considered the big kickoff airshow of the year, held just down the street from WATS on the same week. It was a blast to catch up with old friends, meet new people, and reignite the aviation flame.
I give a synopsis of my journey in this podcast.
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Rod Machado
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This is AviatorCast episode 64! Havin’ fun in the sun!
Calling all aviators, pilots, flight sim enthusiasts and aviation lovers, you’ve landed at AviatorCast! Join us weekly in our efforts to become better masters of the air through interviews, refreshers, lessons, training topics, simulator set-up, hangar talk, news and more! Buckle up and prepare yourself for this week’s episode of AviatorCast! Preflight complete, fuel on board and flight plan filed. Let’s kick the tires and light the fires! Here’s your humble host, Chris Palmer!
Chris: Welcome, welcome, welcome aviators. You’ve landed at AviatorCast. My name is Chris Palmer. Most of my life is spent with two feet firmly planted on terraferma. That doesn’t mean it’s where I belong. The vast and wondrous sky is my playground. That is where my dreams constantly take me. I am the founder and owner of Angle of Attack, a flight training company that is bringing you this podcast today, and I welcome you to this podcast, this is episode 64 of AviatorCast. It is my pleasure to have you here so welcome.
I’ve been out and about recently and I have some recent travel experiences to share with you guys, some things that I’ve seen and done that I think you will all be interested in. We will certainly get to that. For those of you that are new to AviatorCast, AviatorCast is a weekly podcast where we talk to inspiring aviators out there, people in the industry that have their own unique story just like all of us that come on the show and share certain things.
And then sometimes we have podcasts like this podcast where I share with you some goings on in my arena of flight training and also some thoughts that I have. A couple episodes ago, we had the seven habits for highly effective aviators. So sometimes we have podcasts like that but generally, we get great people on the show. This is going to be more of a travel log show but I think you guys will like it. It’s very applicable to what you know and love which is aviation, so make sure to hang in there.
So as always, we start off the show with a review from iTunes. This one comes from Chaffie8. He says “Five stars and I love it. Chris, I received my PPL recently,” that stands for private pilot license. “I received my PPL recently and right after had to go on a sales trip and could not fly. I found your podcast and immediately subscribed. While driving, I listened to all the back podcasts and loved it. It made me even more passionate about flying and even more excited about returning home to start my solo time. I’m now pursuing my IFR ticket and everytime I listen to one of your podcasts, I get even more excited about what I am doing. Thank you for your enthusiasm in aviation and flight simulation. This is exactly what aviation needs. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!”
So thank you Chaffie8. I really appreciate that. I think it’s awesome that you got your PPL and you are moving straight on to your IFR ticket. That is proven to be one of the best ways to make sure that you stay a safe aviator, so congratulations on making that step. Take your time with the IFR ticket. Become confident and competent at the same time. It’s definitely worth it when it comes to the IFR ticket, and again thank you so much for your review on the podcast here. You will get an AviatorCast t-shirt, an exclusive numbered AviatorCast t-shirt. Go ahead and write me at me@aviatorcast.com and I will make sure to send you one of those. They are in the process of being designed now and then I will print those up and I will be sending them out to previous winners and you yourself, Chaffie8. So again, make sure you write me.
And if you want to win an AviatorCast t-shirt, you can do that by leaving a review on iTunes. It would be absolutely great to read your review here on the show, and then I can send you one of those exclusive AviatorCast t-shirts.
Alright, so where have I been, what have I been up to? You guys haven’t heard from me for a little bit here. I’ve been on a big business trip. So I was gone for two weeks. I was here and there and everywhere. I live in Alaska but I travelled down to Orlando to go to a couple things down there. I’m going to talk about that. And then I went up to Atlanta for several days and then finally polished off the trip in Minneapolis. So lots of things going on. I was gone for a few weeks. It was very busy.
And then from there, I got my medical or started the process of getting my medical renewed a few days ago. I still have some things to take care of for that, one of those being a kidney stone that I had one time in 2011 that the FAA doesn’t like for some reason, so I have to get the all clear on that kidney stone. And then a lot of what I learned on that trip is just I’ve been kind of pivoting and recharging and thinking about the next steps of Angle of Attack, about this podcast, about my role in the aviation community and how I can best serve the aviation community now and in the future. So that take some thought and I’ve definitely been putting a lot of time and effort into that. And I’m really excited about the ideas that are kind of rolling around for the future here.
Of course, one of the big things for that is AviatorCast. This is something that I always want to be doing, so I’m so excited to be back with you guys and be sharing an episode with you. Sharing you more of my travel experiences and some of the things that happened while I was down in Florida. That is where I will focus most of my comments today.
And so on today’s episode, I’m going to be talking about WATS. I’ll tell you what WATS is. It’s a pretty big and special thing. And then I’ll be talking about Sun ‘n Fun. A lot of you have heard of Sun ‘n Fun before. Sun ‘n Fun is basically the opening kickoff air show of the year here in the United States and it’s a big one. I wouldn’t say it rivals Oshkosh but it’s definitely Oshkosh-esque and it is very cool.
Alright, so we are going to transition into that part of the show here. We’re going to first talk about WATS and then we’ll talk about Sun ‘n Fun, so business in the front and party in the back. So let’s get into that. Let’s get into the conversation here about WATS.
Alright, so what is WATS? WATS stands for World Aviation Training Symposium. I was recently made aware that this thing even existed and it has been around for quite a while now. This is essentially where all the airlines go and a lot of flight schools go for their simulation, for their training-type of industry news and they have seminars and all sorts of things. So there’s a lot of things going on here. This is a very professional, professional conference, symposium is what they called it, and it is very much focused on the airlines, regional airlines. They have some helicopter stuff there as well. But it is very much a professional thing.
If you were to walk in and just buy a ticket, it’s a thousand dollars to get in. So very serious players come to WATS and it was very interesting to see. It is a different arena than somewhere like Oshkosh or Sun ‘n Fun. It’s not so much fun as it is business. It’s people there to do business. It’s airlines that are there to find out what is new in the industry, what simulator manufacturers are doing, what other training organizations are doing, what software is out there, that sort of thing. So there’s a lot of great information there, lot of people vending. And then also some conferences that kind of go along with that, so some presentations about current safety issues in the airline industry and regional and helicopter industry and I think they even had a cabin crew component of this as well. So there’s a lot going on here at WATS.
So basically, you walk in to this large nice resort and it’s a big conference hall as you would expect in a lot of resorts, and essentially made for events just like this. I signed up, we got our bag which had some cool stuff in it. And then you have all the big displays there. You have Airbus that is there, you have Boeing that is there. You have Flight Safety, you have L3, you have Lockheed Martin, you have TRU Simulations, you have CAE. So a lot of the big players in the professional flight simulation industry were there, and then you have a lot of the smaller vendors that are kind of up and coming and doing some great things. It is very busy, lots of people. It’s the kind of thing where you walk up to meet someone and the first thing you do is exchange business cards.
And to me that was kind of a new thing because a lot of the places I go to like Oshkosh and Sun ‘n Fun and even something like the Redbird Migration or some of these other small conferences I go to, you don’t necessarily do that sort of professional networking where it’s immediately, we’re kind of talking about business and what we do sort of thing. So lots of great things going around that. Flight simulation in its professional sense is a major, major focus of WATS. So I named a lot of those big players there. We talked about Airbus, we talked about TRU Simulations, L3, Lockheed, Flight Safety, CAE, I think I may have already mentioned that. A lot of big players in the professional flight simulation space, they didn’t have full level D simulators there but they were definitely there selling those to other individuals.
You also see people there like Aerosim. Aerosim makes these amazing touch trainers that are used in training at Airlines. And then there are people like Pacific Simulations. They actually grew up as kind of a flight simulation entertainment company where they started in the hobby market like many of you listeners may have done, but now they have a professional 737 cockpit. It is connected to some systems information. You look off to the side of the cockpit there and there’s another screen there where when you manipulate controls on the overhead, you actually see what happens to that particular system. Say if you turn the bleeder off or you turn an engine-driven generator off, something like that. You’ll actually see all that take place live on an aircraft schematic, on a system schematic, so really, really cool.
And all that’s connected actually through a P3D type of program, and although Pacific Simulations in this particular case is a lesser player than some of these big guys, it’s still such an impressive, impressive package. So you have Pacific Simulations there. I think they are running Pro Sim software, so very cool. Lots of different things going on.
One of the highlights for me, I want to get into the highlights now, is I actually, I wanted to mention these guys too, I actually met up with a friend that I haven’t seen in years. He’s from Scotland, his name is Steve Madsen. He has now has kind of come out of the hobby space like me and he is doing professional stuff for a company called Airliner1. And they grew up out of the Flight1 company. But they are now doing things for the professional space. They have some amazing hardware there as well. They had an FMC trainer that was really cool, kind of an all-inclusive package where you can really get an immersive FMC training.
And then they had another simulator there, it’s kind of a half panel for a 737, and that gave you a very immersive experience too with the 4k display, with P3D, looked very very cool. And they also had this new program called Serra, and Serra is, I don’t know the exact acronym but essentially it’s artificial intelligent air traffic control. So you can actually speak into the microphone and go through those commands and it will essentially know what you are saying and respond back and those sort of things, so it gives you another level of immersion but it’s all automated through a program. You don’t necessarily had to have someone sitting there at ATC. From what I understand, it works anywhere in the world. Pretty cool program.
So, it was really great to see Steve. I haven’t seen him in, gosh, I think it’s been eight years, something like that. When I first started Angle of Attack, the business, I went over to England one time for a conference and there I met him and he was very gracious and letting me stay with he and his family at his home, and just really grew close to their family. I was going to WATS and didn’t necessarily know he was going to be there but at WATS they put out an attendee list and he saw that I was going to be there and we both got really excited that that was going to happen. So if I ever got bored kind of walking around the floor at WATS, I had circled back and hang out with those guys a little bit but it is really really great to see them.
So that was a big highlight for me kind of on a personal note. Hope that doesn’t bore you guys too much. On top of that, other highlights, it’s just meeting new people. I met a lot of people from all over the world, from all different sorts of airlines. I met guys from EVA Air, I met guys from Aeromexico, all different major airlines that you would expect here in the United States, some regionals, just people from all different walks of life, all different training organizations. Talked to almost all of the vendors there about what they are currently offering and what their challenges are and things like that.
I really like meeting new people actually. It’s something that brings a lot of value to my life and I really enjoyed meeting many of the great and wonderful people there. And we’re going to have a few of them here on the podcast, so you guys will get to know a few of those people that I met, so that will be great. A few of them will be here on the show soon. Not sure exactly when that will happen, we’ll have to work with them on their schedule as always.
So another highlight or you could even call this a lowlight, but at one point or at some points, I felt like a small fish in a big pond. I mean, this is a pretty serious place to be and I remember having thoughts, being there on show floor with all of these big things happening around me. I mean, this is a professional space with millions and millions of dollars moving around and I was at some points asking myself why am I here? Where do I fit here? I’m a small fish in a big pond sort of thing. And it took me a little bit to kind of get out of that destructive mindset if you will.
But it was a great, great learning experience. I mean if anything, that’s what I really got out of WATS, was just a great education about the current challenges in the professional training market and I learned about that through all veins. I also was able to see how our work at Angle of Attack does and can do to help that industry and where we fit, and I think there is a fit, us being kind of a media company, a company that is really good at video, and I saw that there is a lack of that there. So I got excited about that, that maybe in the future there is potential of us being in that space and offering great video in-depth training, that immersive training that a lot of us are getting from video these days to that professional aviation market. So that was exciting for me.
Through some of the presentations that were given by various airlines from around the world and some of the meetings there, I got a better perspective on the training industry as well. I saw a lot of the current challenges that are facing airlines out there. There’s a lot of it. They continually talk about recent accidents that have happened, about automation dependency. There is a lot of talk about MPL and that was very interesting, and a lot of differing opinions and just a wide variety of thoughts and ideas, so very cool.
Out of all of that, I finally gained through WATS the motivation to make a difference to know and feel that Angle of Attack and what I do on a personal level can make a difference in the aviation industry. And I know that it is making a difference here on AviatorCast in that we do great things each and every week when we talk about the passion for aviation and keeping that passion alive and knocking off the dust and things like that. But taking that to the professional level and where can what I do for a living make a difference.
So it’s really cool to see that and to polish all that off, the last meeting I was in was this meeting about E-learning and media and video and it was the best part of the conference and it came at the very last meeting. It was very cool to see what some airlines were doing and that there is a space for that. So again, I started off this whole conversation saying that the business was in the front, the party was in the back. That is what happened at WATS. It was a big growing experience for me. I had a great time, learned a lot of amazing things. The professional aviation training industry is very interesting. There is a lot going on there. There are professionals that are highly competent that are working everyday to make that arena better. I’m excited to see what Angle of Attack can do to supplement that in what we do with media and video and E-learning. So that’s going to be kind of an exciting road.
And I don’t talk a lot about myself or Angle of Attack on this show, I want you guys to know that. This is probably the most I’ve ever talked about what we do in a particular show. So I’m going to kind of leave that there at WATS. I mean, that is why I went to WATS for what I do, how I make a living, so that’s why I brought those things up but generally, I like to focus on the AviatorCast sort of stuff and we talked in the show so if this is your first show, there is plenty of other stuff that, I’m not talking about myself, I don’t like to talk about myself, and you guys will see that in other episodes, but you guys are going to see that here in the next segment which is on Sun ‘n Fun.
So without delay, I think we’ve talked enough about WATS. You guys get it. It was a great time. If you have any questions, you can feel free to reach out to me, me@aviatorcast.com. I’d be happy to talk to you about WATS if you have any questions there. So let’s move on to Sun ‘n Fun.
Alright, so Sun ‘n Fun. Sun ‘n Fun was really really hot. It was 90 degrees, 90% humidity and for this Alaska man, I was dying half the time. Eventually you just embrace it, you say I’m going to sweaty and uncomfortable the entire time, I may as well just enjoy all the other things that are going on around me, lather on the sunscreen, and enjoy all the airplanes and all the company. So that’s basically what Sun ‘n Fun ended up becoming. I was only there for several days because WATS happened during the same week as Sun ‘n Fun but that was kind of a one-two punch for me because I probably wouldn’t have gone the Sun ‘n Fun if it hadn’t been for the fact that I was already going to WATS and it was the same week.
But I did get to spend a day and a half there, a full day and a half there, a full day and a half on Friday and Saturday and I think I mostly covered everything I needed to cover while I was there. So Sun ‘n Fun is a lot like Oshkosh. It’s definitely not as big. I think I actually liked that about it. It was a little more low key, not as many people but the food was better, the weather wasn’t as good, I mean, the weather was hot. That’s the general theme, is emphasis on the fun as well.
But it was great. Sun ‘n Fun was actually really enjoyable for me. I felt that it was a little more slow-paced. I could take my time getting around. I could definitely meet with people. They still had a lot of stuff to see. I mean just like Oshkosh, they had four different hangars where you would essentially go around and look at vendors. Lots of airplanes, lots of World War II airplanes, of course an air show going on, lots of people to meet. I will tell you guys about some of the people I was able to hook up with there and talk to.
I just like being around airplanes. What’s around being around airplanes. It was a good time. It was a really good time to be around friends and around airplanes and to reconnect with some friends and business contacts and also meet some new people. And that’s kind of the general theme of what Sun ‘n Fun was for me. It was a great time. Nothing wrong with airplanes. You got to love it.
So who were some of the people I met up with? I want to tell you guys some of the people that kind of stood out in my mind in my time at Sun ‘n Fun. First is Frugal. You guys probably know who Frugal is. He runs a very popular YouTube channel that is focused around gaming, but he focuses a whole lot around flight simulation, so a lot of you guys know who Frugal is. We were able to sit down with him and have a cool drink in the afternoon. I think I had a lemonade or something like that while those guys had a beer. And it was good to meet up with him. He lives in that area so it was cool to meet him and his wife and his in-laws I believe, his mother and father-in-law. It was cool to hang around them. I saw them a couple times. We caught up about the flight simulation industry, what’s going on, what he’s been working on, etcetera, etcetera. So it was really good to see Frugal.
I was also to meet up with Monty Remoren from Saitek. Saitek makes some great controls for flight simulations. These guys have an awesome booth, a big booth. Lots of people are always there. They have several simulators that are set up that people can fly. Monty is a really great guy. He is not only doing a lot of great things with the hardware side with Saitek. And Saitek is a sister company or child company, I’m not sure what you would call it of Madcats. But he runs it in a way that is very much community-focused. He shares Aviator90 episodes on Saitek.com. So he’s very much involved in the flight simulation community which I like. So it’s really great to meet up with Monty and talk a little bit about that.
They had also a Frugal meet-up at the Saitek booth which is really cool because Frugal uses a lot of the Saitek products in his YouTube channel ForeFlight Simulation. I was able to meet up with Jason Schappert of MzeroA. A lot of you guys know who he is. Super, super cool guy. It was always great to meet up with him. He’s just a ball of energy and a fantastic person and it’s always great to see he and his cohorts there especially his new baby girl who is totally adorable and she is just right there in the booth with him which I find very endearing and just cool.
They are working on their flying again documentary. They have a new guest that is going to be on that show, someone else that is going to be flying again. I don’t think I can tell you the secret. I am not sure if he has released that news yet but I can tell you that if you guys have been watching some aviation documentaries recently, there is someone from one of those documentaries that is going to be on his show, I think you guys will really, really love it. I’m excited for that Flying Again documentary. I think they are going to do a great job with it. Jason was telling me about their problem of shooting the entire thing in 4K and having something like 48 terrabytes of video footage that they were having to go through for this project. So this thing is going to be awesome. I think it was on Kickstarter or something like that. This Flying Again documentary is going to be really great, so I’m looking forward to that. But above and beyond everything else, it’s just awesome to meet up with Jason and to see him and his new little girl.
I was also able to meet up with SAFE. SAFE is the Society for Aviation and Flight Educators. This is an organization that I am involved with and I volunteer for them a little bit and also really believe in. I myself believe that I am a lifelong aviation educator so I definitely identify with SAFE. They do a lot of great work. I got a K through 12 packet there. My mother teaches fourth grade, so I was able to get a K through 12 packet that is all kind of aviation-based, system based training or education that kids of that age can learn through aviation, science, technology, engineering, math skills. And so I got that packet there.
We sat around a lot and talked about what’s going on with SAFE and what can be done. I’m trying to help them out with some different things marketing-wise and sales, not really sales-wise, but just a better media presence I suppose with some of the skills that I have with the web.
So that was great to meet up with John Dorsey and Donna Wilt from SAFE. They do a fantastic job and kind of along those same lines, I also went to a dinner with NAFI, the National Association of Flight Instructors. They had a great dinner there where they had the Flight Instructors of the Year that were, let’s see, they weren’t the Flight Instructors of the Year. It was some lifelong award for great flight instructors. They had a couple of those to give out, that was really cool, and then they had a keynote speaker Rod Machado. A lot of you guys have heard of him, and I asked him if he would be on the podcast and he said that he would. That’s not a for sure thing yet. It happens when it will happen but hopefully we can get Rod on the show. He is a really funny guy and definitely an aviation educator as well so it would great to have his voice here on the podcast. Hopefully that will come up soon. But that NAFI dinner was also very great. Good to be around like-minded people that are involved in aviation training.
I was also able to meet up with Taylor Joby of There. There is they do a lot of Hollywood stuff basically, they’re a production company. They do a lot of great special effects. He is not necessarily involved in the aviation industry in that way but he and his brother own a Cessna-210 I believe. They are pilots. They’re really excited about aviation and I think it’s been in there family for a really long time. They’re definitely involved in it.
We’ve talked about collaboration a few times although nothing has come of that yet. But it was really cool to meet up with Taylor. He kind of hang out with us while we all watched the Thunderbirds go by and we just really enjoyed hanging out and looking at the Warbirds and shooting the breeze. So that was some of the funner stuff that happened there. He is also starting the Manhattan Flight Club, so he lives right in New York, New York and they are trying to get simulator set up in kind of a flight club going where a lot of the aviators that are right there in the big city can continue their skills sharp which I thought was a very cool thing. I just thought I give a shoutout there to Taylor and let you guys know that.
If anyone here listening is from New York, New York, feel free to shoot me a message at me@aviatorcast.com and I will hook you up with Taylor. He is doing some great things with that Manhattan Flight Club so that should be pretty cool.
I also met Jeff Graham. He ended up being a customer of ours. He used our 737 training at 737ngxtraining.com to learn a lot about how to fly the P-8. So the P-8 is the military version of the 737. It’s what the navy is using as the subhunters these days, so it’s kind of replacing the P-3 Orions. But it doesn’t necessarily have the low level capability that the P-3 Orions have. It’s definitely kind of a high altitude loiter type of aircraft. So he is learning how to fly that. A lot of the training that he does on base can’t be taken off base so he thought he would supplement that training with some of the stuff that we’ve done here in Angle of Attack which was pretty cool. So in the future, we may have Jeff on the show. It depends on kind of security clearance stuff and making sure that all of that is good to go and that he can talk about certain things.
So hopefully we can get him on the show and talk about his experience on the P-8, so that should be very cool because that’s kind of a new thing to me. I don’t know too much about it and I’m very curious because it’s an interesting aircraft. If you guys haven’t heard about it, go ahead and go google it.
And then I met Colonel Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson who is a triple ace. So this is a guy who flew a P-51 in World War II. You’ve probably heard of this P-51 before because I think it still flies around in air shows, or at least the paint job flies around in air shows, and I believe that most of the models or some of the models that you see out there on the market are his aircraft, so that is the old crow. I don’t know if you guys have seen the old crow P-51 before but that was Bud’s airplane.
So Bud was hanging out at the pilot mall, selling his book which I bought and got signed, and I thought it would be great to have him on the podcast as well. We’re running out of the opportunity here to learn from those World War II aviators, so if we can somehow get him on the show, that will be really cool. I’m not sure what the technology barrier will be there in order to make that happen but he seem like a pretty cool guy that could share a lot of his aviator experience with us, so yeah, so I just thought that was really neat, to be able to meet a triple ace. You don’t get to meet someone like that everyday.
So a lot of great people that I got to meet at Sun ‘n Fun. Just good to catch up with a lot of people. And it was a place for me where I could reignite the flame. I’m continually doing that in aviation. I am continually reconnecting with what matter with just that passion for aviation. It was a good break from the hard work that had been done at WATS. I was working very, very hard at WATS, all day. It would be all day at the conference and then it would be dinner afterward and hanging out and networking and things like that, so it was a good break from all that.
And then from Sun ‘n Fun, I just got the desire to do better, make a difference, again kind of a piggyback off of WATS. I just got this feeling that I could do more and do better and that I can make difference in those sort of things. And then from that I obviously got some podcast guests that hopefully can be here on the show soon.
So all of that said, WATS, Sun ‘n Fun together, it was a very worthwhile trip. I feel reinvigorated to move forward, to do good things with not only my business but with AviatorCast. So thank you for hanging in there on this episode. I hope you guys enjoyed some of my insights here and some of the people and things that I saw along my trip. If you guys have any questions about anything, I mention again, me@aviatorcast.com. So a couple of messages here and then I will close out the show.
Join us next week for another exciting topic or interview with a great guest. Spread the AviatorCast message. Please review AviatorCast on iTunes or submit an audio question for the show at AviatorCast.com. All iTunes reviews and audio questions that are aired on the show will get an official AviatorCast t-shirt. You can write AviatorCast directly on AviatorCast.com where you can interact with the AviatorCast community or write AviatorCast at me@aviatorcast.com. We’d love to hear from you.
For more information on Angle of Attack simulation training videos for FSX, X-Plane and more, go to www.flyaoamedia.com. If you are looking for a professional aviation training video services and other media, inquire at www.angleofattackpro.com. Now, for the final release clearance, back to Chris Palmer.
Chris: Alright guys, thank you for hanging in there on this episode of AviatorCast. A big thanks to all of those that I was able to meet at Sun ‘n Fun and WATS for taking the time to get to know each other and thank you to you for joining us on this episode of AviatorCast. We really couldn’t do this show without you. I really love hearing from you guys. You can do that through leaving a review on iTunes but if you don’t want to do that and you don’t want to win an AviatorCast t-shirt by doing that, you can just write me at me@aviatorcast.com. I’m always here for any questions that you have. I love to meet new people, hear about your experiences. All of that brings great value to me and then I can then turn around and share that with the community if you’re open to that, but I always love to hear from you guys. So let’s keep this two-way communication open. I would absolutely love that.
And thanks to the Angle of Attack crew as well. These guys are awesome. They do a lot to allow us to do this show each and every week. I can’t do everything. I can’t manage projects and do finances and do payroll and do everything all at the same time, so these guys really do with their sometimes thankless jobs which I definitely try to thank them for their efforts as much as possible but with their thankless jobs, they really allow us to do this fun stuff and they are just as much a part of this crew as I am so thanks to them. And again, one last thanks to you listeners. Join us next week for AviatorCast. I am hoping to have a new and special guest on the show. Until next time, throttle on!
Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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