No matter where you fly, there are little gems of aviation history. Ohio is no different. This was my first time coming to Ohio, and I had very good reason. My friend Mark is owner of Flight Outfitters, makers of great aviation clothing, bags and gear. They have a great relationship with Sporty’s which is just a few minutes away. Sporty’s is like the Amazon of aviation. And, it didn’t disappoint.
Over the next several vlog videos of this style, we’re going to cover this time in Ohio. It wasn’t so much about business as it was about pilots and aviators doing cool aviation and flying stuff.
This first video would take us to the Flight Outfitters HQ, onto Portsmouth, Ohio where we’d get a “$100 Hamburger”, and the back along the Ohio River to Sporty’s. Later we’d do a tour of Sporty’s, but that’ll come in a different video.
Mark and I met back at Oshkosh during AirVenture in I think 2015. He and I have done aviation projects together, but mostly we’ve just become good friends. He makes fantastic bags for aviation, and clothing to match. Really does make me feel good to have all that gear to use.
Of course getting to fly whenever we go on these trips is paramount. Just to talk about aviation and hang around it isn’t enough. I want to fly! Getting out with Mark and the gang was great. Short little hop to get that $100 hamburger (which was actually $5) is just something any pilot has to do. Because it’s yummy. And pilots need to eat. That’s what we live for.
You can find the Flight Outfitters Gear with the Angle of Attack logo at this link:
You can visit Sporty’s and see all their great products here:
And of course, you can take part in our Online Ground School and Checkride ACE courses here:
#flying #aviation #ohio
Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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