Class D Airspace can range from quite mellow and quiet on the radio, to absolutely chaotic. No matter where you are, it’s important to communicate effectively with ATC. In this video, we go through a Class D Airspace Departure and show you how to talk to ATC.
Of course, depending on where you are, there are all sorts of different procedures at Class D Airports. But it still comes down to the basics with ATC. Plan, Ask, Comply, and Listen.
We start off by getting the weather and making sure we have the ATIS. Then, we look at ForeFlight and the airport chart to make our plan. Once we get our taxi clearance, we draw that on the chart.
As we taxi, we are heads out and pay attention to where we are, keeping situational awareness. We’ll taxi to the hold short point, do any preflight checks, and then call the tower when we’re ready to go.
Then we depart the pattern, depart the airspace, and comply with any instructions on the way out.
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