Flight Instructor Refresher Course with AOPA & Jason Miller — AviatorCast 138

Every 2 years, flight instructors have to go through recurrent training to remain legal. This course is called a Flight Instructor Refresher Course or FIRC (FURR-K). It’s an opportunity to stay up to snuff on a lot of things that are foundational, in addition to learning something new.
In this podcast we will discuss:
- Going to San Francisco and flying with Jason Miller to Sacramento
- What is a FIRC and why does it matter
- An outline of some of the highlights and things that stood out
I hope you enjoy getting a bit of a glimpse into the professional world of being a flight instructor and keeping the CFI active. It’s a pleasure to continue to build my set of tools and offer quality training to customers and clients.
Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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