Technology is alive and well in aviation. One of the best uses of tech is with simulators. Are simulators a part of your training and proficiency? How have they helped you? Join the conversation!
Flight simulation is getting more and more high fidelity. With what is called an Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD), a pilot can even build time toward an instrument rating with use of a flight simulator. With an AATD, 20 hours can be used. With a BATD, 10 hours can be used.
Simulators allow for practicing a range of procedures that would otherwise be unsafe. Things like emergency procedures, engine out, impossible turns, and routine things like instrument approaches, departures, arrivals, and so on.
It’s a great way to learn to fly when you can repeat maneuvers and procedures over and over again.
You can find more training resources at
#1MinuteWings #aviation #flying
Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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