Ryan Dembroski: SuperAero YouTube | Flying Dad | Promoting Aviation — AviatorCast 151

I’m a sucker for up and coming YouTube channels. Ryan has one, called SuperAero. Seriously some funny, funny and entertaining flying videos. A breath of fresh air among a lot of the serious stuff out there.
Ryan is a dad of 2 young kids, has a full time job, is a part time owner of a Cessna 172, runs this great YouTube channel, and is a real force for good in aviation.
He learned to fly in a Piper J3 Cub at a very unique spot in Wisconsin called CubAir. They can do your private pilot license in that old school airplane. Stick and rudder from the very beginning!
You’ll really need to check out some of his videos on his channel, and give it a subscribe. You won’t regret it!
Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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