Sporty’s let us in their mothership, to tour and see what it’s all about. For those of you don’t know about Sporty’s, let me give you the quick elevator pitch…
If you were going to identify any company as the Amazon of aviation, this is it. They not only have a massive warehouse full of pilot supplies that you can order on their website, they also have a fantastic in-person flight school, video training courses, and many other supportive measures for aviation.
We get a behind the scenes look from John Zimmerman, Vice President of Sporty’s. Tucked into the Claremont Country Airport, this is a one stop shop for everything aviation.
We continue our tour of Ohio, and this is just one of several videos in this series of videos with Sporty’s and Flight Outfitters, highlighting Ohio aviation, and one of the birth places of aviation.
More flight training resources at https://ift.tt/35kuums
Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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