What do you do with this available time, while not flying? This podcast will outline a handful of tips that can help you “line up and wait” for that time when you can get flying again.
I’m using the analogy of powering up on the runway, holding the brakes… engine roaring and ready to go, the airplane is begging for the sky.
THAT is what you can do RIGHT NOW in your aviation journey. Power up, prepare, and get READY! Because soon enough, tower will call and say “cleared for takeoff”.
What can you do now to prepare for that launch?
- How Flight Simulation can help you prepare and stay proficient in your flying on a number of levels
- Why studying, either taking a ground school or reading books, can help you make a leap
- How you and your instructor can continue your work, start near work, and more to move forward
This really can be a powerful time for you.
Below are some links (affiliate) that are discussed in the podcast.
Flight Simulation
Gaming Desktop — https://amzn.to/39ForKX
Gaming Laptop — https://amzn.to/39Fq2R8
Logitech (recommended) https://amzn.to/3dOUFqq
Honeycomb Yoke https://amzn.to/39BIFVW
CH Products https://amzn.to/2xRPTrx
Redbird Alloy https://amzn.to/3aIDKUq
Logitech https://amzn.to/346j06K
Thrustmaster https://amzn.to/2UFjxcv
Thrustmaster Expert https://amzn.to/39HhCbQ
X-Plane https://amzn.to/39Izlzs
Prepar3D https://ift.tt/2ebWDXO
Online Ground School
Private — https://ift.tt/348Rq8I
Instrument — https://ift.tt/3bVhA1D
Checkride ACE — https://ift.tt/2UXlVdI
Stick and Rudder — https://amzn.to/2JzqiXd
PHAK — https://amzn.to/2xPDN2s
Airplane Flying Handbook — https://amzn.to/3aHqMWV
A Higher Call — https://amzn.to/2yy5AVn
Chief Flight Instructor and President of Angle of Attack. Founded in 2006.

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